Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Laser Tattoo Removal & Tattoo Lightening

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Basic Tattoo Removal Information

Did you know 50% of the people who have tattoos decide to have them removed? Most commonly, the tattoos that are removed are ones that are spur-of-the-moment and not well thought-out. If you are one of those people who regret a tattoo, know that tattoo removal is a very complicated and expensive process. Tattoos are permanent, in order to erase the tattoo you need to use a laser to break up the ink particles in your skin. The size and color of your tattoo play a large part in how many treatments you will need to remove the tattoo, colors like blue and black respond well to the treatment. Another factor that effects the treatment is the patient’s skin color.  Depending on these factors, patients may need anywhere from 2 to 10 treatments. The pain of the treatment is most often compared to the feeling you would get if you repeatedly snapped a rubber band against your skin. Once you have completed a treatment an ice pack is applied to cool the area. After each treatment the tattoo will become noticeably lighter. In some cases, depending on the location of the tattoo you are having removed, or your pain tolerance, anesthesia can be used. There is no guarantee, is it always possible that the pigment may not be completely removed or that the treated area remains paler than your normal skin color.  

Keep these pointers in mind when conserving laser tattoo removal, the more prepared you are the more at ease you will feel.